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  • star rating  A fantastic experience, one that is life changing. All taught in a kind and supportive environment. I experienced every emotion possible while I was studying there: laughter, trepidation, contentment, elation,... read more

    avatar thumb Smeeshfaz
    February 24, 2019

    star rating  When I came here, my big dreams came true. To be in an ashram, in India, and to learn, practise yoga there. I am so thankful for everyone. My heart... read more

    avatar thumb SztellaK
    November 1, 2015
  • star rating  One of the helpful uses of human beings. Mind relaxation helpful that very happiness and good structure create by yoga.

    September 15, 2019

    star rating  I completed 300hrs course in November, 2016. This was something that I would never experience in my country, Japan. I would highly recommend those who want to learn traditional way... read more

    avatar thumb KI555
    January 7, 2017